January 2023 News

Program Updates
Currently Hiring For Project LIFE Vacancies
We are currently hiring to fill the positions of Independent Living Consultant in the Piedmont and Western Regions. The Piedmont position works out of the UMFS regional center in Lynchburg, VA, and the Western position is fully remote, with travel in the region and with some occasional trips to Richmond. We’re looking for someone with knowledge of Virginia’s Independent Living Program, Education and Training Vouchers Program, National Youth in Transition Database, and the Casey Life Skills Assessment. More details and requirements are listed in the job posting. If you or someone you know would be a good fit, please visit the job posting here for more information and to apply.
Upcoming Statewide Events
All Things Credit
Dates: January 12 + February 9 + March 9, 2023 | Time: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. for youth via Microsoft Teams
Youth around the state are invited to learn all about credit: what it is, why it is important, and how to build good credit. Bring all of your credit score questions to be answered by Olivia. The same information will be presented at all sessions, but come multiple times for the rich discussion. If you would like to attend, you can register using the link below. If you have other questions, please contact Olivia through email or by text at 804.239.1239.

Talk it Out Tuesdays Remixed
Date: January 17, 2023 | Time: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. for youth via Ring Central and continuing the third Tuesday of every month
(RETURNING TO EVENINGS.) Talk it out Tuesdays is back and is “remixed.” On the third Tuesday of the month, youth can take advantage of a safe space to connect with their peers. Youth can bring their own topics to chat about, or the group can talk about the topic of the month. Register once and attend as many as you want! (Note: there is a new meeting link as of August 25, 2022.) Reach out to Melissa with questions.

Upcoming Regional and Hybrid Events
Central Region’s Wealth Wednesdays
Date: January 4, 2023 and continuing the first Wednesday of the month | Time: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. for Youth at UMFS, 3900 West Broad St., 23230
Youth are invited to learn about building lifelong wealth. Youth will review their spending from last month, make goals for next month and receive rewards for meeting their goals. If you would like to attend, or have other questions, please contact Olivia through email or by text at 804.239.1239.
Northern Region’s Career Readiness Bootcamp
Dates: January 17 + 19, 2023 | Time: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. for Youth at Career Works, 10304 Spotsylvania Ave, Fredericksburg
Project LIFE partnered with Career works to offer youth 14 to 23 a two-day Career Readiness Bootcamp. Youth will learn about finding a job, keeping it and the value of communication and networking. Youth will then be given the opportunity to sign up for support from Career Works in developing a career to support them for a life time. Register using the button below; space is limited. Contact George with questions.

Eastern Region’s Independent Living Coordinators Committee (ILCC) Meeting
Date: January 18, 2022 | Time: 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. for professionals via Ring Central
All Eastern DSS agencies and private providers are invited to attend this ILCC to discuss independent living needs for youth transitioning out of foster care. This meeting will cover topics related to transitioning youth into adulthood. Contact Melissa through email at mlee@umfs.org if you plan on attending to get the link for this meeting, or if you need more information.

Eastern Region’s Guy Code Group
Date: January 18, 2023 | Time: 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. for Youth in-person at Hampton Main Library, 4207 Victoria Blvd, 23669
IL aged males in the Eastern Region are invited to attend to this group. Attendees will connect with their peers, receive support, and learn new IL skills. Register for this group by clicking the button below, or contact Melissa Lee at mlee@umfs.org with questions.

Northern Region’s Independent Living Coordinators Committee (ILCC) Meeting
Date: January 24, 2023 | Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. for professionals via Ring Central
All Northern DSS agencies and private providers are invited to attend this ILCC to discuss independent living needs for youth transitioning out of foster care. This meeting will cover topics related to transitioning youth into adulthood and will be joined by Monica Cabell with VDSS to share statewide updates. Contact George through email at gmack@umfs.org or at 804.239.1044 if you plan on attending to get the link for this meeting, or if you need more information.

Central Region’s Parenting Together Group
Date: January 25, 2023 and continuing monthly | Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. for Youth at UMFS, 3900 West Broad St., 23230
Any Virginia youth, aged 14-23, who has experienced foster care and is a parent, or soon to be parent, to a young child is invited to attend this peer support group. This group will learn together in a safe space while relating with other peers in the same stage of parenthood. Attendees can bring their child(ren) with them to this group, and will be connected to resources, local experts, and prizes/gifts. If you want to attend or have other questions, please contact Olivia (osnoke@umfs.org).
Eastern Region’s New Parent Baby Shower by Molina (Rescheduled)
Date: January 30, 2023 | Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. for youth close enough to attend in-person at 5612 Haden Road, VA Beach
Any Virginia youth, aged 14-23, who has experienced foster care and is a
parent, or soon to be parent, to a young child is invited to attend. Molina
Healthcare of VA will shower the parent attendees with practical items
to use with their child. They will also go over resources for the parents. Register using the button below.

Central Region’s Career Readiness Bootcamp
Dates: February 6 + 8, 2023 | Time: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. for Youth at Career Works, 10304 Spotsylvania Ave, Fredericksburg
Project LIFE partnered with Career works to offer youth 14 to 23 a two-day Career Readiness Bootcamp. Youth will learn about finding a job, keeping it and the value of communication and networking. Youth will then be given the opportunity to sign up for support from Career Works in developing a career to support them for a life time. Register using the button below; space is limited. Contact George with questions.

Eastern Region’s Week of LIFE
Dates: February 13, 15,17, 2023 | Time: TBA for Youth in-person in the Eastern Region
Save the dates for Eastern’s Week of LIFE! All youth ages 14 – 23 in Virginia’s foster care system are invited to participate in these fun, interactive IL workshops throughout the week. Each day will cover a different IL topic and will include the following: substance abuse discussion around drugs, vaping, and alcohol and Rocking your Brand (interviewing secrets). Contact Melissa through email at mlee@umfs.org to sign up or if you need more information.
Northern Region’s Week of LIFE Workshop Series
Dates: February 20-24, 2023 | Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. each night for Youth and Professionals in-person in Northern Region
All youth ages 14 – 21 in Virginia’s foster care system are invited to participate in these fun, interactive IL workshops throughout the week. Each night will cover a different IL topic. We encourage each youth to bring a supportive adult or staff in their lives with them if they can, but this is not required. Contact George through email at gmack@umfs.org or at 804.239.1044 if you need more information for this event.
Northern Region Permanency/Permanent Connections Workshop with Loudoun County DSS
Date: April 24, 2023 | Time: TBA for Youth at 45201 Research Place, Suite 110, Ashburn, VA
All youth ages 14 – 21 in Loudoun County DSS’s foster care are invited to participate in this fun, interactive IL workshop on permanent connections. If you are in this DSS and would like to attend, contact Lyle Davidson through email at lyle.davidson@loudoun.gov.
Additional Events and Resources
VDSS Youth Services (IL) Updates Corner
Reality Store Opportunity
Date: January 25, 2023 | Time: TBA for Youth at the Virginia Beach TCC Student Center
Connect with a Wish is hosting a Reality Store for IL youth. IL youth in the area are invited to attend. Register through Alison, and contact Alison Fagan with questions.
Statewide VDSS Check-ins
Date: March 7, 2023 and continuing the first Tuesday of every month | Time: 3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. for professionals via Ring Central
These check-in calls are open to all DSS agencies to discuss independent living needs and updates with the VDSS IL team’s Letha Moore-Jones and Monica Cabell. These meetings will be held every first Tuesday of each month, starting March 7, 2023, and will run through May 2, 2023. You do not need to register for these check-ins. You can click here at the scheduled time to attend virtually, or contact George at gmack@umfs.org or at 804.239.1044 to receive the dial in information to join by phone, or if you have any questions.