LGBTQ+ Pride Exhibition

Project LIFE aims to support the LGBTQ+ community all year long by creating programming for both youth and workers. In February 2021, we partnered with the Virginia Leage of Planned Parenthood and hosted a 101 training for professionals. It was well attended with positive feedback provided. In March, we hosted a learning workshop for youth by partnering with the LGBT Life Center. As June rolled in, we knew that we wanted to shift our focus from training to celebrating.
In the spirit of celebration, we invited all youth, workers, and all allies to join us in showing our pride for the LGBTQ+ community. We put out a call for any expression of allyship: a video expressing support, a digitally designed poster, a painting or drawing, an original poem, some written words of support, an outfit, and more. The following media were submitted by the PL team and community. Take time to view each one, and make sure you view all the way to the end to see an extra special message.

And for the grand finale in our exhbition, here’s a special message especially for the Project LIFE family, from a multi-talented singer, rapper, actor, director, choreographer, and social media personality, Todrick Hall!
To wrap up our Pride celebration, remember that just because June is only 30 days, does not mean that you have to stop celebrating. Also, the history of Pride is important, so please take the time to do some research and learn how Pride month originated.
A message to LGBTQ+ allies: being an ally is a 365 day job with no weekends off. So, keep speaking up about injustices, keep being a shoulder for the LGBTQ+ community to lean on, keep listening, keep signing petitions, and keep checking on your friends.
If you are not quite ready to be an ally, each day is an opportunity to start celebrating yourself and your community. If any youth or workers, whether part of the community or just an ally, have any questions or need someone to talk to, the Project LIFE team is always here. We support you.